Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington

On Boeing Field King County International Airport, this spectacular museum has strong links with Boeing, but is not owned by it. It has an observation tower for viewing the busy airfield. Its restoration centre is open to the public - see my Boeing Everett - Paine Field page.

Aircraft Reg'n Thumbs Notes
Aeronca C-2 Collegian N30RC  
Aerospatiale BAC Concorde G-BOAG Open to the public
Albatros D.Va replica NX35DV (N36DV) 5636/17
Alexander Eaglerock Combo-Wing NC4648 (N4648) Owned by the MoF, this is displayed in the arrivals area at Seattle Tacoma Airport (SeaTac).
Aviatik (Berg) D.1 101.40 Austro-Hungarian Air Force
Beech C-45H Expeditor N115MF The FAA has this as N115ME. Ex 51-11696
Boeing B&W floatplane replica N1916L Boeing and Westervelt: the very first Boeing, at the Great Gallery's entrance
Boeing 40A fuselage replica   In the Red Barn
Boeing 80A-1 NC224M (N224M) United Air Lines "City of Auburn"
Boeing 100 (P-12) '29-354' N872H 3 US Army
Boeing 727-223 Adv N874AA American Airlines
Boeing 737-130 NASA515, N515NA The prototype in NASA livery, originally N73700
Boeing 737-200 fuselage N213US USAir
Boeing 747-121 N7470 The prototype - "City of Everett".
Boeing VC-137B (707-100) 58-6970 Probably the most famous Air Force One, used by presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. It's open to the public.
Boeing WB-47E Stratojet 51-7066 USAF
Bowers Fly Baby 1A N4339 The prototype. Peter Bowers was a Boeing employee and author, and also found the time to design this.
Caproni Ca 20   The sole example, built in 1914 - completely original apart from the tyres.
Cessna CG-2 N178V  
Curtiss Robin C-1 NX979k (N979K) "Newsboy" - 1929 plane used for newspaper deliveries (dropped through a hole in the floor) in Nebraska.
Douglas A-4F 154180 Blue Angels 4 - was actually a team aircraft.
Douglas DC-2 NC13711 (N13711) TWA The Lindbergh Line markings. A new arrival at the MoF, we found this on the far side of the airfield. Ex NC14296 (N14296), XA-BJL, LG-ACA, TG-ACA, N4867V, N1934D. More pics at Oshkosh 2010
Douglas DC-3 N138D Ex NC15591 (N15591) of American Airlines, TWA and Ozark. In the markings of Alaska Airlines NC91008
Fiat G.91 Pan MM6244 10 A Frecce Tricolore plane.
Fokker D.VII replica NX38038 (N38038)  
Fokker D.VIII replica NX7557U (N7557U) This was built by Ed Swearingen with help from the original designer Reinhold Platz.
Gee Bee Model Z replica NR77V (N77V) Flying replica slightly modified for better control.
Grumman (Eastern Aircraft) FM-2 Wildcat 86690 2-F N49JC US Navy
Grumman A-6E Intruder 158794 NH-502 US Navy
Grumman F-9J Cougar 131232 O-111 US Navy
Grumman F-14A Tomcat 160382 AJ-202 US Navy
BAE-MD AV-8C Harrier II 158977 WH US Marines
Hiller YH-32 Hornet 55-4969 US Army - powered by rotor-tip ramjets,
Lear Fan 2100 N626BL The prototype - all three built survive in museums. Gearbox problems foiled Bill Lear's twin-PT6-powered early composite project.
Lockheed F-104C Starfighter 'N820NA' Never a NASA plane - actually 56-0934
Lockheed M-21 60-6940 Two-seat drone-launcher version of the A-12, two were built, this is the sole survivor. Complete with D-21 recce drone #510.
Lockheed P-38L Lightning 44-53097 NL3JB (N3JB) "Wyandotte Mich" with 930, 43, 174 codes. Ex NX67861 (N67861), Honduras 501, N9011R, N7TF.
MacCready Gossamer Albatross II None This was a backup aircraft to the one that crossed the English Channel in 1979
McAllister Yakima Clipper NC10655 (N10655) Built in the early '30s for an attempt on the world endurance record - didn't make it but did manage 8 hours 52 minutes.
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-3 NX109J Messerschmitt-built for Spain as Hispano HA1112M1L Buchon 4.K-122 and converted to Bf109G spec by Doug Champlin. Ex G-AWHL.
MiG-17 '7469' Early production version, ex Moroccan Air Force as 1FJ-10, now in Vietnamese markings.
Museum Great Gallery   View of the Great Gallery
Nieuport 24bis replica 'N3588 2' French Air Force N3588 "Zicomar 5". US registration is N24RL
Nieuport 27 replica N5597M H RAF markings
Nieuport 28C.1 6177 14 N6493U Original, in USAF markings
North American P-51D Mustang 2106602 P-FT Identity uncertain. Possibly ex Israeli AF 28, marked as P-51B 42-106602.
Northrop YF-5A 59-4987 F-987 N156F The prototype
Pfalz D.XII 7511/18 N43C An original, brought to the US for evaluation after WW1.
Piper J-3 Cub N88023  
RAF SE5a replica C6457 NX910AV (N910AV)
Red Barn   The Red Barn - Boeing's original factory transplanted to the museum in 1975.
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt NX14519 (N14519) 42-8205 'Big Stud' ex NC7540 (N7540), Bolivia Air Force 007
Rumpler Etrich Taube replica NX1914R (N1413R)  
Rutan Voyager Replica 'N269VA' Owned by the MoF, this is displayed in the arrivals area at Seattle Tacoma Airport (SeaTac).
Ryan M-1 N46853 "Spirit of Ryan" The prototype - the first ever Ryan aircraft.
Scaled Composites 316 SpaceShipOne replica 'N328KF'  
Sopwith 7F.1 Snipe replica 'E6837' NX6765D (N6765D) In postwar RAF markings
Sopwith Triplane replica 'N5487' NX3805Z (N3805Z) "Black Prince"
SPAD XIII replica NX3883F (N3883F) 26
Stearman C-3B NC7550 (N7550) Western Air Express 204 livery. Ex NS7550, NS8T (N8Y)
Stephens Akro N78JN  
Stinson SR Reliant floatplane NC13477 (N13477)  
Supermarine Spitfire IX MK923 Z-5J NX521R ex Dutch H-104 and H-61, Belgium SM-37, OO-ARF, N93081
Swallow OX-5 Commercial N6070 (NC6070) 'Varney Swallow' livery
Taylor Aerocar III N100D There are Aerocar Model IIs at the Golden Wings Museum and the EAA Museum.
Taylorcraft BC-12D N95871  
Vought (Goodyear) FG-1D Corsair 88382 S-89 US Navy
Wright 1903 Flyer replica    
Yakovlev Yak-9U White 36 Russian Air Force