Boeing Future of Flight, and the Museum of Flight Restoration Centre, Snohomish County Airport Paine Field, Everett, Washington

We did the Boeing factory tour, but photography is strictly forbidden - the as-yet unflown 787 prototype looked rather forlorn! The tour starts at the Future of Flight centre, where photography is allowed.

The MoF Restoration Centre is well worth a visit - the Comet restoration will be to Mexicana livery. All photos here are of Restoration Centre aircraft unless otherwise stated.

Aircraft Reg'n Thumbs Notes
Antonov An-2R N61SL In 1998 made a polar flight from Barrow, Alaska, to Spitsbergen, honoring Eielson and Wilkins' flight in April 1928. Ex CCCP-62504, FLA-01270.
Beech Starship 1 N8158X Future of Flight
Bell UH-1H Iroquois 69-15140 USAF Vietnam veteran.
Boeing 247D NC13347 (N13347) We spotted this at an exhibition on the airfield away from the MoF. The attendant was keen to show us around. It has quite a long history...
Boeing 727-022 N7001U The prototype. This and the 247 have since been restored and flown to the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field.
Boeing 767-300F N312UP UPS freighter beside the exhibition with the Boeing 247D
Boeing B-52G 59-2584 Stored outside the Me262 Project
Bowers Fly-Baby 1A N500F The prototype - see also my MoF page
Bowlus BA-100 Baby Albatross N25605  
Cascade Kasperwing 180-B floatplane    
Cessna O-2A 67-21363 N18BB USAF
De Havilland DH-106 Comet 4C N888WA Ex Mexicana XA-NAR - never a BOAC plane. If the rest of it polishes up like the galley, it will be a treat!
Durand Mk V N444JF At least 9 of these plans-built negative-stagger biplanes have been flown.
Erco Ercoupe 415-C N2944H  
Fouga CM-170 Magister N505DM Ex Finnish Air Force FM-36.
Fournier RF-4D N1700 Mira Slovak flew this across the Atlantic twice.
Grumman (General Motors) FM-2 Wildcat 74512 US Navy
Heath LNA-40 Super Parasol N899N Built by the Museum.
Howard DGA-15P N52947  
Lear Jet 23 N407V Gate guardian
Letov LF-107 Lunak N2170D Lunak = kite. "Driver- Mira Slovak", "The Poor Refugee".
Lockheed JetStar N329J The twin-engined prototype, and Kelly Johnson's personal transport.
Messerschmitt Me262 - new production   We paid a quick visit to the Me262 Project where these were under construction
North American T-28 Trojan 49-1495 TL-495 N2800A USAF
Pereira Osprey II N4KM "Bon Ton Roule"
Piasecki H-21B Workhorse 53-4329 USAF
Rutan Quickie N77Q The prototype, Future of Flight
Rutan Vari-Viggen N27MS  
Sorrell Cool Crow 1 Parasol N5087K Designed in 1960 by Otto Sorrell (not related to the Hiperbipe company). Nicknamed the Flying Bathtub.
Stinson 108 Voyager N544C These were part of the exhibition with the Boeing 247D
Stoddard Hamilton Glasair I N83JR Future of Flight
Stoddard Hamilton Glasair III N12JR Future of Flight
Task TR-60 Silhouette N48TR Composite sport aircraft. This is the prototype, built in 1984
Taylorcraft A NC19893 (N19893)  
Vought F7U-3 Cutlass 129554 N7FU US Navy - 33 years a gate guard, now being restored for flight.
Vought XF8U-1 Crusader 138899 US Navy. The prototype, first flown in 1955.