Palm Springs Air Museum, Palm Springs International Airport

Located on the east side of Palm Springs International Airport, the museum was founded in 1996. One of the founders was Bob Pond, a famous warbird collector and racing pilot. A hangar is named for him, and several of the aircraft are from his personal collection, often with an N-number ending BP.

We were given a tour of the restoration area, and had a very enjoyable visit, enhanced by getting a pretty good view of operations at the neighbouring airport. Our visit was on 2nd May.

Aircraft Reg'n Thumbs Notes
Bell P-63A Kingcobra 42-68864 USAF Pretty Polly
Bell UH-1H Iroquois 67-17174 Converted to an artwork called TakeMeHomeHuey by Steve Maloney.
Boeing B-17G Fortress 44-85778 USAF Miss Angela
Cessna O-2A Super Skymaster 67-21331 USAF
Consolidated OA-10 (PBY-5A) Catalina 48426 N31235 USN - in the restoration area.
Convair QF-106B Delta Dart 57-2509 USAF - in the restoration area.
Curtiss TP-40N Warhawk 44-7084 N999CD USAF
Douglas C-47B (DC-3A) N60154 44-76423 3X-S USAF What's Up Doc?. Ex RAF KN381, then a long history in Belgium, France and Israel. We also saw it at the Chino airshow.
Douglas SBD-5 Dauntless 36176 B-25 USN
Douglas-A-26C Invader (Lynch STOL 26) 44-35721 BP N9425Z USAF
Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk 154649 01 USN
ERCO 415-C Ercoupe N3394H  
Fairchild C-119G Flying Boxcar forward fuselage 53-8154 N90267 927 161 USAF
GAF N24A Nomad fuselage N4817E Ex VH-IIL
General Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcon 163277 USN
Grumman (GM) FM-2 Wildcat 55627 F-3 N47201 USN
Grumman (GM) TBM-3 Avenger 53785 2X N7075C (NL7075C) USN
Grumman F7F-3 Tigercat 80412 N207F (NX207F) BP-7 USN
Grumman F9F-5P Panther 125316 MU-7 USN
Grumman G-58B Bearcat N700A (NL700A) BP Bob's Bear - always a civilian aircraft.
Grumman C-1A Trader 146048 N7171M USN
Grumman A-6A Intruder 154162 AJ-500 USN
Grumman F-14A Tomcat 160898 107 USN
Lockheed (Fokker) F-104G Starfighter D-8244 Dutch AF as 'USAF 70913 FG-913 101'
Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon 37211 USN ex N7273C
Lockheed TV-2 (T-33) Shooting Star 126591 N6633D (NX6633D) USN ex 51-4033, N335V. We saw this flying at the Chino Airshow.
McDonnell F-4S Phantom II 153851 NF-101 USN
McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A 162403 NG-210 USN
MiG-15bis Fagot 16 red North Vietnamese AF
MiG-17F Fresco-C 3020 red North Vietnamese AF
MiG-21 (Aero S-106) Fishbed-C 1112 Czechoslovak AF
North American P-51D Mustang N151BP 62 USAF Bunny ex N5436V, N51TC. We also saw it at the Chino airshow.
North American T-6G Texan 49-3402 N85JR USAF ex 42-3890, N9882C as 'USN SNJ 0084 2-P-7'
North American (Commonwealth Aircraft Corp) Sabre 32 '52-24629 FU-629' Marked as 'USAF Ken's Kitten' ex Australian AF A94-972, Indonesian AF F-8612
North American F-100D Super Sabre 55-2888 USAF ex Turkish AF 3-888, N2011U (NX2011U)
North American TB-25N Mitchell 44-86747 N8163H USAF Mitch the Witch II
Republic TF-47D Thunderbolt 45-49205 N47RP (NX47RP) Marked as P-47D 42-28473 2Z-P Squirt III. Ex Peru AF 547, 122, N47DE, G-BLZW
Republic F-105D Thunderchief 61-0108 RU USAAF Kombat Kathy
Rutan VariEze 38  
Schweizer SGS 2-8 N47903 USAF
Sikorsky UH-34D Seahorse 154895 75 USMC
Supermarine Spitfire FRXIV NH904 W2-P N114BP (NX114BP) RAF ex Belgian AF SG108 G-FIRE, N8118J
Vought (Goodyear) FG-1D Corsair N62290 (NX62290) S-301 USN ex Salvador AF 215

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