Rainbow Canyon, Death Valley, California

Also known as the Jedi Transition in Star Wars Canyon (apparently some Star Wars film scenes were shot here), this is the US equivalent of the Mach Loop in Wales. Aircraft appear with only a few seconds notice, and disappear down the canyon a few seconds later. There is a good viewing point called Father Crowley's Outlook, on the road through Death Valley. There is a car park, rudimentary toilets, and nothing else.

While we were there the smoke from the record Californian wildfires hundreds of miles away was being blown towards us by extremely strong winds, but we stuck it out for a day and a half on the 8th and 9th November.

Not many aircraft, many blurry photos and, here, a few sharp ones.

Aircraft Reg'n Thumbs Notes
Boeing EA-18G Growler 169132 504 USN
Boeing F/A-18E 168360 AG-11 USN
Lockheed Martin F-35C 168842 XE-105 USN
Lockheed Martin HC-130J Combat King II Hercules 12-5769 FT USAF
MD F-15 Unknown USAF
MD F/A-18 Unknown 114 USN
MD F/A-18 Unknown 414 NA USN
MD F/A-18 Unknown 416 NA USN

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